Breathalyzers Help You Make Better Decisions While Drinking

Estimate Your Alcohol Level in Seconds

Stay Safe and Consume Alcohol Responsibly

Know When Your BAC Will Return to 0.00%
Find the Right Breathalyzer for You
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Shop NowFind peace of mind using reliable breathalyzers to monitor a loved one’s alcohol level.
Shop NowPrevent workplace injuries and legal entanglements with the most popular brand for businesses.
Treatment Centers
Shop NowPrevent workplace injuries and legal entanglements with the most popular brand for businesses.
Law Enforcement
Shop NowOur professional-grade breathalyzers are built for accuracy, reliability, and ease of use in high-stakes environments.

BACtrack makes it easy to measure a person's blood alcohol content - quickly, simply and with a high level of accuracy.
"Seeing the numbers gives you a certain awareness you can't deny."
Independent Test Ranks BACtrack #1 Breathalyzer Brand
BACtrack Mobile is "spot on" with the $99 police breathalyzer
"BACtrack's Mobile Breathalyzer can analyze a user's BAC on the fly!"
"BACtrack Mobile can actually save lives - either yours or the people you are with."

"Whether you are a regular drinker or occasional, your true BAC will surprise you. Anyone who enjoys alcoholic beverages should own a BACtrack and use it regularly."
BACtrack View Remote Alcohol Monitoring
Share a video-verified record of your sobriety directly from your smartphone
✓ Court Approved Nationwide
✓ No Activation Fees or Long-term Contracts
✓ Free Smartphone Breathalyzer