BACtrack Excels in New York Times Review

The New York Times recently ran an article on the range of smartphone breathalyzers now available to the consumer on the market. Taking BACtrack Mobile and two others, she challenged the accuracy of each against a police officer's $890 unit.

The article begins with a well needed disclaimer and background on why people drink and drive far too often: 

"While nobody should operate a vehicle if they have consumed alcohol, the reality is that many people choose to drive after a few drinks because they don’t feel impaired and believe they have not reached the legal limit... which is 0.08% in all states."

In conjunction with a California Highway Patrol Officer, the author tests the accuracy of the three smartphone units. To do this, she consumes a known quantity of alcohol, then tests herself with the officer's $890 alcohol breath detecting device. Subsequently, she tests herself with a number of other smartphone breathalyzers to see which result most closely matches the police officer's unit. 

"In testing the devices, only one was spot-on with the police-grade model," she reports. And that unit was BACtrack Mobile.

The article closes with wise words from the officer: “You shouldn’t drive if you’ve been drinking, period.”

Read the full article here.

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