BACtrack Blog
Fortune Recommends a Breathalyzer to Aid New Ye...
The new year is a time for resolutions--and in this day and age, you have technology to help you stick to your word.
Fortune Recommends a Breathalyzer to Aid New Ye...
The new year is a time for resolutions--and in this day and age, you have technology to help you stick to your word.
BACtrack Trace and Mobile Reviewed by TechPicks
The lads at TechPicks did a great video review of the BACtrack Trace and BACtrack Mobile Smartphone Breathalyzer.
BACtrack Trace and Mobile Reviewed by TechPicks
The lads at TechPicks did a great video review of the BACtrack Trace and BACtrack Mobile Smartphone Breathalyzer.
BACtrack Mobile Reviewed by An Industry Insider
How does BACtrack Mobile stand up to scrutiny from critics who deal with state-of-the-art gadgets on a daily basis? Find out here.
BACtrack Mobile Reviewed by An Industry Insider
How does BACtrack Mobile stand up to scrutiny from critics who deal with state-of-the-art gadgets on a daily basis? Find out here.
BuzzFeed Breathalyzes Celebrities on the Red Ca...
Last week at the Golden Globes, BuzzFeed used a BACtrack S80 Pro on the red carpet to see just how hard Hollywood pre-games.
BuzzFeed Breathalyzes Celebrities on the Red Ca...
Last week at the Golden Globes, BuzzFeed used a BACtrack S80 Pro on the red carpet to see just how hard Hollywood pre-games.
How to Not Embarrass Yourself at this Year's Ho...
Holiday time for a lot of companies means parties. Keep your behavior under control and your tongue in check by using this useful tool.
How to Not Embarrass Yourself at this Year's Ho...
Holiday time for a lot of companies means parties. Keep your behavior under control and your tongue in check by using this useful tool.
BACtrack Vio Appears in WIRED Store
The WIRED Store marks its 10th anniversary this year by including the BACtrack Vio in its list of hand picked holiday gifts.
BACtrack Vio Appears in WIRED Store
The WIRED Store marks its 10th anniversary this year by including the BACtrack Vio in its list of hand picked holiday gifts.