Precise Results

The linear response of the Xtend® Fuel Cell Sensor Technology inside BACtrack's professional breathalyzers provides precise results over the complete range of alcohol concentrations expected in the breath, from 0.000 to 0.400 % BAC. These models can accurately detect trace amounts of alcohol and reliably handle very high BACs.

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  • Consistency

    BACtrack professional breathalyzers produce the most consistent and reliable BAC results. For example, they are more likely to show the same test result when someone is tested repeatedly in a very...


    BACtrack professional breathalyzers produce the most consistent and reliable BAC results. For example, they are more likely to show the same test result when someone is tested repeatedly in a very...

  • High BAC Testing

    BACtrack professional breathalyzers are consistently more accurate at higher BAC concentrations. If someone is very intoxicated, for example at 0.22% BAC, these models are more likely to provide an accurate test result...

    High BAC Testing

    BACtrack professional breathalyzers are consistently more accurate at higher BAC concentrations. If someone is very intoxicated, for example at 0.22% BAC, these models are more likely to provide an accurate test result...

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